历史 & 公民学习
The MHS is dedicated to strengthening K-12 education in Massachusetts and beyond by providing ever-expanding access to our unparalleled collections. We serve teachers and students through three main educational initiatives: National 历史 Day in Massachusetts (NHD), teacher professional development, and robust online resources.
The MHS plays a pivotal role in addressing challenges currently facing the education sector like the need for more expansive teacher training and more equitable civic learning opportunities for students.
Please contact 教育 staff at education@38755hh.com with any questions.
Explore high-quality, vetted primary source sets and teaching materials organized by topic, 时间, 和等级跨度.
National 历史 Day is a vetted, proven program that prepares students for college, 职业生涯, and active citizenship. 了解更多.